Fixing mysql crash caused by InnoDB
The Problem
I ran a moodle application on ubuntu inside virtual machine (virtualbox). It has been working fine for a long time until one day, it decided to stop working in the middle of an exam participated by -+ 40 students. It shows that the database is somehow crashed.Diagnosis
I tried to open the mysql using mysql client, and i'm unable to.ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
/etc/init.d/mysql start
start: Job failed to start
First, because i ran the system in a vm, i thought it was either the disk space or memory, so i ran df command then found out it currently use only 5% of the total disk spaces. And then i ran htop and it only used <500MB from the total of 8GB allocated to the vm so i ruled out both possibility.
Ok, so i know there are something definitely wrong with the mysql server. So, just in case, i made a backup to the mysql data directory into my home dir (and you should do to, backup is very important afterall)
sudo cp -rp /var/lib/mysql ~/mysql/
I checked the mysql logs:
cat /var/log/mysql.log cat /var/log/mysql.err
cat /var/log/mysql.err
mysqld got signal 11 ; This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built, or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware. Attempting to collect some information that could help diagnose the problem. As this is a crash and something is definitely wrong, the information collection process might fail. ......
After scouring the web for solution, i came across a possibility that my innodb database is corrupted. So as a trial and error, i remove these 3 files:/var/lib/mysql/ibdata1 /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile0 /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile1
Before continuing, stopped the mysql server again, then copy those 3 files from the backup i've made, then start the mysql server again. As expected, it failed to start.
After scouring the web again, i've found a solution to run mysql server in innodb force recovery mode. I open /etc/mysql/my.cnf using nano, then add these lines:
innodb_force_recovery = 2 innodb_purge_threads = 0
Taken from the link above:After the mysql server runs, i connect to the mysql using
Prevents the master thread and any purge threads from running. If a crash would occur during the purge operation, this recovery value prevents it.
mysql -u root -p
In this state, you won't be able to insert or update anything in the database. You can only read and drop things. So the idea here is to dump the corrupted table to a file somewhere, drop the table from database, and then import the dumped file back into database.
I run mysqlcheck to see which tables is corrupted:
mysqlcheck -u root -p --all-databases
and it says all my tables is OK.
in my case, i have to pipe the command to "more" command because i have a lot of tables.This confuse me as i don't know which table i should dump. So i dump my database into a file as a backup. Luckily, my database is not too big to dump.
mysqlcheck -u root -p --all-databases | more
mysqldump -u root -p [pass] [db name] > [db name].sql
If in your case you found out the corrupted table when you do mysqlcheck, you should only dump that corrupted table to avoid bloating the dump file. Especially when your database is big.
mysqldump -u root -p [pass] [db name] [table name] > [db name].[table name].sql
Then i drop the whole database, create a new database with same name, and import the dumped file back into that database.
Be careful, in your case, you might only need to drop the corrupted table, not the whole database.
And after the import proccess is finished. My moodle application can run normally.
Create, Add, and Use Custom Font in PHP FPDF Library

FPDF could not directly use fonts from ttf files. instead, the ttf file should be converted into fpdf font library which consists of php files and a "z" file. We need to convert the ttf font into those library using a script provided by fpdf library in order to be able to use the fonts in our documents.
In this tutorial, i'll explain how to convert, add and use custom font in FPDF library.
For how to use fpdf library to generate pdf file in pdf, see Generate Printable Invoice in PHP using FPDF Library.
Create The FPDF Font Library by Converting TTF Files
To turn ttf font into php in order to use it in our generated pdf document, we can use makefont.php script inside makefont directory provided along with fpdf library distribution. You can download fpdf library here.First, extract the files into your web directory (htdocs or www). Inside, you'll find a folder named "makefont".
Next, create a directory to place your ttf files (ie. customfont) which will be converted into fpdf font library.
This is how my directories looks like:
| |-doc
| |-font
| |-makefont
| |-...
I took 4 fonts as an example in this tutorial.
Run your command line or terminal, then enter the customfont directory using cd command.
Then run this command:
php <path to makefont.php>\makefont.php <font file name>.ttf
Where <path to makefont.php> is either static or relative path to your makefont.php file, and the <font file name> is your font file name followed by .ttf extension. It's case sensitive.
You'll get something like this.
Repeat those steps for other fonts.
Add The Custom Fonts in FPDF Library
After you done converting the ttf files, go back to your customfont directory, you'll get some php and z file with font names in it.Copy those files, leaving aside the ttf files, into the font directory inside fpdf17 directory.
You'll get something like this.
Then create a new php file for the pdf generator, include the fpdf.php library, and create a new FPDF object (Read Generate Printable Invoice in PHP using FPDF Library for further references on how to do that).
To add the font into the documents, use AddFont method of fpdf library.
<?php //add new freescript font $pdf->AddFont('Freescript','','FREESCPT.php'); //add new jokerman font $pdf->AddFont('Jokerman','','JOKERMAN.php'); //add alien league (regular) $pdf->AddFont('Alien League','','alienleagueii.php');
The font family name can be chosen arbitrarily. If it is a standard family name, it will override the corresponding font.
The font variant can be either of these strings:
- empty string: regular
- B: bold
- I: italic
- BI or IB: bold italic
For example, in this tutorial, i have 2 forms of Alien League fonts, alienleagueii.php for regular font, and alienleagueiiital.php for the italic font. I need to add both font separately with same family name but different variant and font files. So it should looks like this:
//add alien league (regular) $pdf->AddFont('Alien League','','alienleagueii.php'); //add alien league italic $pdf->AddFont('Alien League','I','alienleagueiiital.php');
Use The Custom Font in PDF
To use the font, you can just call SetFont method with the family name and font variant like:$pdf->SetFont('Freescript','',36);
Keep in mind that Freescript font used in this tutorial have no other variants beside regulars. So
would not work. But $pdf->SetFont('Alien League','I',36);
will because we add the italic variants of Alien League font beforehand.Here's the complete scripts.
<?php require('fpdf17/fpdf.php'); $pdf = new FPDF('P','mm','A4'); //add new freescript font $pdf->AddFont('Freescript','','FREESCPT.php'); //add new jokerman font $pdf->AddFont('Jokerman','','JOKERMAN.php'); //add alien league (regular) $pdf->AddFont('Alien League','','alienleagueii.php'); //add alien league italic $pdf->AddFont('Alien League','I','alienleagueiiital.php'); $pdf->AddPage(); //freescript font $pdf->SetFont('Freescript','',36); $pdf->Cell(190,20,'Freescript Font',0,1,'C'); //jokerman font $pdf->SetFont('Jokerman','',36); $pdf->Cell(190,20,'Jokerman Font',0,1,'C'); //alien league regular font $pdf->SetFont('Alien League','',36); $pdf->Cell(190,20,'Alien League Regular Font',0,1,'C'); //alien league italic font $pdf->SetFont('Alien League','I',36); $pdf->Cell(190,20,'Alien League Italic Font',0,1,'C'); $pdf->Output();
And here's what the results look like.
For the video explanation of this tutorial, please watch this video. And for other tutorials regarding PHP FPDF Library, please watch my youtube PHP FPDF Tutorial Series.
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