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Install Sublime Text 3 di Ubuntu using PPA

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Sublime Text is a popular text editor which is devoted to programming and editing source code. It supports many programming languages ranging from scripting language (PHP, Javascript, HTML, etc) to the programming language (C, C #, Java, VB, etc.).

Initially, the sublime text version 3 only for users who are already registered with the license price of $ 70. But, sublime text 3 can now be used for all people and like its predecessor version that is sublime text 2, sublime text 3 can be used without a license with an unspecified time limit (unlimited).

The advantages of Sublime Text over any ordinary text editor are:

  • Multiple Selection

  • Can do a lot of changes all at once, with a selection of some of the text and change simultaneously.

  • Command The Pallete

  • Can save some frequently used commands such as sorting, changing the syntax, indent, change only with Ctrl + Shift + P.

  • Distraction Free Mode

  • Displays the editor in fullscreen so it can increase the focus at the time of coding. Not bothered by the elements not essential should not be shown in the display.

  • Plugin

  • Customizable

  • Can be customized as you wish.

  • And many more ...

To better understand these advantages sublime text, please install and try it yourself.

Install the Sublime text 3 on ubuntu with PPA.

For ubuntu users, to facilitate installation, we use technology that already provided by
If you've installed sublime text 2, it will be upgraded to sublime text 3. Make sure you're not running the sublime text.

Open a terminal and run the command:

[code]sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installe[/code]

To install on ubuntu, the aside please download sublime text 3 here and install it manually.


to disable version notification, add the following line:

[code]"update_check": false[/code]

inUser Preferences(Preferences > Settings – User)

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